
Our story in a short film

Our story in a short film

In this short film you can find out more about our story and how we have grown as a company in the last years. You´ll hear Avelina´s testimony, the person the cellar is named after, and also Amancio and Cristina, the fourth generation of this family involved in viticulture. You can also watch it this section. It´s got subtitles in english.

Open doors

Open doors

Twenty different cellars with Adega Avelina amongst them, join the open doors event organized by the Galician Wine Routes and promoted from the regional government. It was the chance to show some of our new facilities, as the tasting area. In only one weekend we received more than fifty people. In the site of the company leading the project Valdeorras es Vino, Cristina, from Adega Avelina, cheers up with the rest of cellars involved in the event.

Little visit

Little visit

We really enjoyed this visit of students from O Barco de Valdeorras, one of the most interesting one we had in the last months. They walked from their school to Córgomo and then visited the cellar where we explained them how the wine is made. It was really interesting as they are used to see the vineyards in the fields surrounding their village as well as the rest of the area.

New year´s cheer

New year´s cheer

We wanted to start 2014 thanking our Facebook followers with a wine for their last Christmas celebrations. They had to share a picture in their personal wall to get into the contest for a magnum bottle of Casal de Furcos ROCÍO mencía. Bea Alva won the contest and we sent her this letter to ask her to come to get her prize.

Cena benéfica con Alberto Chicote

Cena benéfica con Alberto Chicote

Adega Avelina has collaborated bringing Casal de Furcos ROCÍO mencia to this charity dinner celebrated lats saturday in El Canario restaurant, in Vigo. The dinner was cook by the chef Alberto Chicote, who is in the picture with Amancio from our cellar and Carlos Quintas, another wine maker. The benefits of the event where for Vida Digna, a association that helps poor people in Vigo´s area.